Category: Defense

Robustly Poly-Skilled

On 25 June 2024, Lee Ween Jiann successfully defended his dissertation, titled “Incorporating Intrinsic Structures into Entity Matching and Representation Learning”. The work came...

Good Things Come in Threes

On 27 November 2023, Chia Chong Cher (that’s three C’s) successfully defended his dissertation entitled “Effective and Efficient Semantic Representations and Their Applications”. His...

Connecting The Dots

On 12 May 2023, Zhang Ce successfully defended his dissertation, entitled “Document Graph Representation Learning”. The gist of it is to derive more holistic...

Gaining Perspective

On 11 September 2019, Andrew successfully passed the defense of his PhD dissertation, entitled “Preference Learning and Similarity Learning Perspectives on Personalized Recommendation”. He...

Consequential Associations

On 22 April 2019, Preferred.AI minted a new PhD. Trong Le passed the defense of his PhD dissertation, entitied “Modeling Sequential and Basket-Oriented Associations...

In Defense of Comparisons

On 2 November 2018, Maksim defended his PhD dissertation entitled “Comparison Mining from Text” before the dissertation committee at SMU School of Information Systems....